COVID PROTECTION BLEND - Immune & Respiratory Support for the whole family - tea, bath, face & yoni steam

from $24.94

Introducing an herbal blend that has four uses to fortify and protect the whole family's immune system and respiratory health.

The Protection Blend is a drinking tea, facial steam, relaxing bath and yoni steam. Safe for babies, mamas, papas and grandparents to use.


Create an infusion of herbs by simmering 3/4 cup of herbs in 4 cups of water for 1 hour and leaving the herbs in the pot overnight to infuse. The next morning, you can heat up the herbs and strain them with a colander to drink medicinal tea all day to strengthen your immune system. This is the best way for enders and grandparents to receive this medicine.


Facial steaming with medicinal herbs clears our sinus, nasal and lung passageways from mucus and infection. Use the ancient remedy of Facial steaming to protect yourself and your family from the contagious virus that is spreading through the planet right now.

As you Facial steam, you are keeping your nasal, sinus and lung passageways clear from mucus. It works the same way that yoni steaming does in the womb. If you look at a diagram of the lung muscles and a diagram of our yoni muscles you will see that they are almost identical!


This is the best way for babies to receive the benefits of immune protection! It is also the most relaxing ways for mamas and papas to receive the medicine. Add 1.5 - 2 cups of herbs to a hot adult bath and 1/4 cup herbs to a baby bath. Our skin is our most porous organ and when opened up through a hot steamy bath, the oils from the herbs seep right into our body/bloodstream for their healing powers.


Cleanse your womb with medicinal steam to remove old mucus lining, tissue and residue that have built up over time while fortifying and protecting your immune system!

Everyone in the family - from baby to elder - can protect themselves and fortify the immune system using one of these methods to get the healing medicine of the herbs into the body.


Today I am sending each one of you love and blessings in these shifting times.

Though many of us can feel that, like a butterfly, our Mama Earth is deep within her chrysalis as she transforms into her higher Self, this process can bring up fear and uncertainty as our world changes and we are faced with new challenges. I feel you.

Sisters, do not let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do.

What we can do in these times is protect and fortify our immune systems and our families the best we can... 

Utilizing the superpowers of our plant allies who have been healing us since the beginning of time!

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Introducing an herbal blend that has four uses to fortify and protect the whole family's immune system and respiratory health.

The Protection Blend is a drinking tea, facial steam, relaxing bath and yoni steam. Safe for babies, mamas, papas and grandparents to use.


Create an infusion of herbs by simmering 3/4 cup of herbs in 4 cups of water for 1 hour and leaving the herbs in the pot overnight to infuse. The next morning, you can heat up the herbs and strain them with a colander to drink medicinal tea all day to strengthen your immune system. This is the best way for enders and grandparents to receive this medicine.


Facial steaming with medicinal herbs clears our sinus, nasal and lung passageways from mucus and infection. Use the ancient remedy of Facial steaming to protect yourself and your family from the contagious virus that is spreading through the planet right now.

As you Facial steam, you are keeping your nasal, sinus and lung passageways clear from mucus. It works the same way that yoni steaming does in the womb. If you look at a diagram of the lung muscles and a diagram of our yoni muscles you will see that they are almost identical!


This is the best way for babies to receive the benefits of immune protection! It is also the most relaxing ways for mamas and papas to receive the medicine. Add 1.5 - 2 cups of herbs to a hot adult bath and 1/4 cup herbs to a baby bath. Our skin is our most porous organ and when opened up through a hot steamy bath, the oils from the herbs seep right into our body/bloodstream for their healing powers.


Cleanse your womb with medicinal steam to remove old mucus lining, tissue and residue that have built up over time while fortifying and protecting your immune system!

Everyone in the family - from baby to elder - can protect themselves and fortify the immune system using one of these methods to get the healing medicine of the herbs into the body.


Today I am sending each one of you love and blessings in these shifting times.

Though many of us can feel that, like a butterfly, our Mama Earth is deep within her chrysalis as she transforms into her higher Self, this process can bring up fear and uncertainty as our world changes and we are faced with new challenges. I feel you.

Sisters, do not let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do.

What we can do in these times is protect and fortify our immune systems and our families the best we can... 

Utilizing the superpowers of our plant allies who have been healing us since the beginning of time!